Chat Commands
There are various chat commands that players can use in game. You can access general commands with /help
and guild commands with /ghelp
General Commands - /help
/w [PlayerName]
- sends a private message to player/r
- replies to the last received private message/fcmute
- hides current channel's text from the front chat. eg: /fcmute in global chat will hide global messages from the front chat/fcunmute
- shows current channel's text in the front chat. eg: /fcunmute in global chat will show global messages from the front chat/mutelist
- List of muted players/unmuteall
- Unmutes all players/online
- number of online players/add [PlayerName]
- adds a player to your friend list/roll
- rolls a dice between 1-100/me text
- send an emote/qabandon
- abandon current quest/flush
- clears all chat windows/invite [PlayerName]
- invites a player to party/leave
- leaves party/kick [PlayerName]
- kick player from party
Guild Commands - /ghelp
/ginvite [PlayerName]
- invites player to your guild/gpromote [PlayerName]
- promotes player in your guild/gdemote [PlayerName]
- demotes player in your guild/gkick [PlayerName]
- kick player from your guild/abandonGuild [NewGuildLeaderName]
- used to leave guild only if you are guild master/gleave
- leave your guild