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Revision as of 19:01, 16 February 2024 by Uragus (talk | contribs)
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Strength (STR): Increases physical damage (PDMG). Used by Warriors and Hunters.

Intelligence (INT) : Increases magic damage (MDMG). Used by Paladins and Wizards.

Stamina (STA) : Increases health points (HP).

Wisdom (WIS) : Increases mana points (MP).

Agility (AGI): Increases dodge rate (It has a soft cap when you reach 25%, from then every AGI point gives half the original amount).

Dexterity (DEX) : Increases critical chance (It has a soft cap when you reach 25%, from then every DEX point gives half the original amount).

Defense (DEF): Decreases the amount of physical damage you take based on your stat multiplier.

Magic Defense (MDEF): Decreases the amount of magic damage you take based on your stat multiplier.

Note: All above mention Basic Stats have a chance to be on gear.


Basic Stats: Increases stats by X.

Attack Speed: Reduces the time between attacks. All classes can use it but it’s best for Hunter. The cap is 0.75 hit / second.

Casting Speed: Reduces the time it takes to cast skills. The cap is 50%.

Cooldown Reduction: Reduces the time of cooldown each time you cast a certain skill. The cap is 25%.

Critical Damage: Increases the amount of damage your critical hits do. The cap is 150%.

Dodge Chance: Increases dodge chance. Unlike AGI, gives a flat percent (%) to dodge chance. Hard cap is 50%, soft cap is 25%.

Crit Chance: Increases crit chance. Unlike DEX, gives a flat percent (%) to critical chance. Hard cap is 50%, soft cap is 25%.

HP on Kill: Replenishes X% of HP when you kill a monster or player. The cap is 10%.

MP on Kill : Replenishes X% of MP when you kill a monster or player. The cap is 10%.

MAX HP: Increases character's maximum health.

Max MP: Increases character's maximum mana.

HP Regeneration: Increases X% of your HP when regenerating. The cap is 20% (40% while stationary with full Corrupted Lazuli enchantment)

Movement Speed : Increases your walking speed base on your original movement speed, allowing you to traverse terrain faster. The cap is 1.8%.

Reflect Damage : Reflects a % of damage back at the attacker. Cap at 50% and only applied to basic attacks, not skills.

EXP Bonus: Increases experience gained from killing monsters.

Gold Drop Bonus: Increases gold drop from killing monsters.

Item Drop Chance: Increases drop chance of items. (Example: X item from boss has %10 drop chance and you have %100 Item Drop Chance from mods. X item's new drop chance will become %20, not %120.)

Final stats

Final stats provided by an item will depend on it base stats, upgrades and quality level, see more in the formula section