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From Laurum Online Wiki
Revision as of 18:59, 16 February 2024 by Uragus (talk | contribs)
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In Laurum you can join or create a party. Benefits of being in a party include 10% experience bonus and faster kills. A downside is gold is split between the party. To get the bonus XP you will need to be in range of your party. If you are out of range it will show the party member grayed out on your party menu. You can obtain XP only from monsters ±20 levels than your current level. The only exception is a level 90+ will get XP any level 90+ mob.

  • To create a party, directly tap on player and tap party invite or you can use chat command /invite PlayerName
  • To leave a party you can use chat command /leave or click the "x" on party menu
  • To remove a player from party use chat command /kick PlayerName
  • There is no way to promote someone to party leader as it is automatically given to the next in line.